Saturday, October 23, 2010

600 6th Graders

We participated in our first service project yesterday. It was so nice to be outside and not stuck in a room listening to sessions all day.  We partnered with a local middle school and Volunteer Outdoors Colorado to help with trail building and cutting back weeds in Cherry Creek Park.  It was an early morning.  We left at 7:15, so I was awake at 5:15 before the sun was up, and we started working around 10.  Each group was split into two groups of five.  The Corps members were the facilitators for the project, and we were in charge of about 10 sixth graders.
The VOC really wanted us to encourage the kids to do the work and get things done.  My group was great!  They all wanted to work and help do everything.  I barely even raked while they were there.  Of course there were tasks that were too difficult for them, like pushing the wheel barrows full of crush and run down the trail (which was almost too difficult for me and my weak shoulders).  At the end of their work day, around lunch, we had them tell us their highs and lows for the day, and many of them said that they didn't have any lows.  I thought that this was great.  How often do you find middle school pre-teens who have nothing to complain about?
After the kids left, we still had a good bit of trail left to cover, so we all worked together on that.  Luckily the rain held off and it wasn't too cold.  All in all, I would call it a success.  I was nervous about being responsible for the kids, because we all know how I feel about children, but they were great and made it so much easier on me and my other group members.Unfortunately next week we are back in the class room for training, but tomorrow I am getting in some of my Independent Service Project hours and walking dogs from the animal shelter.  I am so excited!  I can't believe how much I am missing my aggravating little pups at home, so it will be good to have a little interaction with these animals.

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